Sunday, March 4, 2007

Get A Job You Hate

There’s a lot of talk on the web about Clayton Makepeace’s recent newsletter. He points out that you probably won’t make six figures in your first year as a copywriter. He was referring to a lot of the programs that tout changing careers and making a fortune. All this while sitting on your butt watching the sun come up. He was absolutely right. If you’re too dumb to realize this then maybe you’re in the wrong business.

I’ve read a lot of whining about AWAI’s Six Figure Copywriting Course and the way they market their program. ( If you bought this course (I did) and didn’t realize after the first lesson that there would be a lot of work involved…then you should have spent your money on lottery tickets. AWAI (American Writer’s and Artist’s Institute) is very specific about refunding your money if the program isn’t for you.

There are many AWAI graduates who have moved into the big-time. The two most recent that come to mind are Monica Day and Krista Jones. Of course they didn’t hit six figures in the first year…and they worked their butts off to get there. Both of them are still coming to grips with the lifestyle of an entrepreneur. They talk about it in their newsletter, “The Copy Protégé.” You can subscribe at . If you are seriously considering copywriting as a career, read the archives. You’ll find that they routinely work 60 or more hours a week to make the big money. Nearly all entrepreneurs do.

The folks who make it big in this, or any other profession, are the ones who never quit. People like Clayton Makepeace, Bob Bly, Peter Bowerman, all have a certain trait that is required to get into the big leagues. It’s called “gumption” (how’s that for an old-fashioned word). And if you don’t have it…well, Sparky, you ain’t gonna make it.

Clayton is dead-on that it takes a lot of work to get to the top. So, if you’re not self-motivated…get a job you hate. That oughtta do it!

FYI…I’m not at six figures yet, but I will be…and I’m enjoying the journey.

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